Financings, closings for affordable housing top $335 million

housing with rising arrow - imagesCA39EVKBOver the past twelve months, Ellinger Carr lawyers have counseled and assisted with the closings of more than 20 complex commercial transactions for the investment of more than $335 million in equity and debt financings of multifamily affordable housing apartment complexes.  These closings provided for tax credit financing, including tax credits allocated by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency and similar housing finance agencies in other states, for commercial real estate developments in affordable and senior communities in North and South Carolina, and in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

Ellinger Carr is presently advising and assisting public housing authorities, other public housing agencies and other clients with implementation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  RAD is similar to previous HUD mixed finance initiatives, like the HOPE VI program used for redevelopment of public housing communities, including recent HOPE VI project closings and financings that Ellinger Carr lawyers assisted with in Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh and Wilmington, North Carolina and Richmond, Virginia.  Our firm’s lawyers also have counseled and assisted with special bond financings under the HUD Capital Fund Financing Program (CFFP).  The lawyers have closed multiple CFFP transactions providing more than $30 million in capital investments and improvements to public housing units in the Carolinas and elsewhere in the United States.  Laurel Street Residential housing photo imagesCANN2ZAF

Ellinger Carr is a business law and commercial real estate law firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Providing safe, affordable housing for families, seniors and developmentally disabled persons has long been a part of the work of the Ellinger Carr law firm, in communities in the Carolinas, the Southeast and elsewhere in the United States.  The firm’s lawyers are experienced and knowledgeable counselors, transaction specialists and business problem solvers, admitted to practice in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and New York.  For assistance in affordable housing, HUD financing, commercial real estate and corporate/business development matters, call 919-785-9998 or email Susan Ellinger at or Steven Carr at


Ellinger Carr advising, assisting Housing Authorities with RAD Financing and Conversion Program

HUD logo

Ellinger Carr is now advising and assisting public housing authorities, other public housing agencies and other clients with implementation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Providing safe, affordable housing for families, seniors and developmentally disabled persons has long been a part of the work of the Ellinger Carr law firm, in communities in the Carolinas, the Southeast and elsewhere in the United States.

Susan Ellinger, the firm’s founding member, has announced that the firm’s lawyers are working currently with housing authorities, non-profits and lenders to apply for and to facilitate the RAD conversions of existing public housing units, where conversions are financially feasible, with private debt and equity financings.

“The RAD program is the latest HUD innovation and initiative designed to convert public housing properties to long-term, project-based Section 8 rental assistance in order to achieve certain goals, including preservation and improvement of existing properties and good quality housing in our communities,” Ms. Ellinger said.  “To meet these goals, RAD provides housing authorities and other owners of these properties with access to private debt and equity financing to address both immediate and long-term capital requirements.”

Ms. Ellinger explained that RAD is similar to previous HUD mixed finance initiatives, like the HOPE VI program used for redevelopment of public housing communities, including recent HOPE VI project closings and mixed use financings that Ellinger Carr assisted with in Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, and Wilmington, North Carolina and in Richmond, Virginia.

“RAD offers new financing flexibility and alternatives for housing authorities, and HUD has committed to a relatively quick and streamlined application and financing process for eligible properties and owners,” Ms. Ellinger noted.

Ellinger Carr is a business law and commercial real estate law firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.   Ellinger Carr lawyers are experienced and knowledgeable counselors, transaction specialists and business problem solvers, admitted to practice in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and New York.  For assistance in affordable housing, HUD financing, commercial real estate and corporate and business development matters, call 919-785-9998 or email Susan Ellinger at or Steven Carr at

Ellinger & Carr Speaking on Social Media, Housing Authority Issues at PHADA National Conference, San Diego

PHADA logoSusan Ellinger and Steven Carr will be featured speakers and presenters on management and legal issues of concern to executive directors of public housing authorities at their upcoming national conference in San Diego in January 2013.

The social and cultural phenomenon of ubiquitous social media has prompted housing authorities and most employers to develop and adopt social media policies to address the use and effects of social media and networking on employee productivity and to mitigate the risks of the employers’ liability.  Ms. Ellinger and Mr. Carr will speak on the social networking session: “What’s Your ‘Status’?  Is Your Social Media Policy Working and Protecting You from Liability?”

A second session will focus on risks and liabilities of tax credit developments, and Ms. Ellinger and Mr. Carr will present a primer and update on low income housing tax credits issues, including an overview of housing authority affiliates, joint ventures and how to protect the Board and executive directors from liabilities and risks frequently encountered in these transactions.  The program is titled:  “Partnerships 101: Top 10 Tips for Successful Community Development Joint Ventures.”

The Ellinger Carr law firm represents housing authorities and their non-profit community development corporations and other non-profit and for-profit developers in affordable housing and mixed finance housing projects in the Southeast and elsewhere in the United States.