Archives for June 2014

Real Estate: Title, Survey, and Careful Attention to Property Transfer Details

Ellinger Carr lawyers presenting program on Legal Descriptions, Title Insurance and Surveys in Real Estate Transactions 

Heather McDowell and Steven Carr will be featured speakers and presenters of a program focused on legal issues arising in real estate transactions, including legal descriptions, conditions, covenants and restrictions and title and survey matters.  The program will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina on October 16, 2014.

Attorneys, surveyors, planners, engineers, developers, title agents, bankers, lenders and real estate professionals will benefit from this focused course to understand and to overcome challenges with title and title exceptions.

Ellinger & Carr PLLCThe program will also help participants to improve survey review skills and to get up-to-date on title and survey standards, and to gain practical tips for drafting and addressing conditions, covenants and property restrictions in deeds and declarations.

Heather and Steve will be leading presentations on surveying skills for the real estate attorney, easements, encroachments, compliance with ALTA/ACSM survey requirements, drafting deeds and commercial real estate purchase agreements, title review, due diligence inspections and remedies if things go wrong or disputes arise before the deal can be closed.  For more information about the program, visit or contact our office about how to register for the program.

Ellinger Carr is a business law and commercial real estate law firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.   Ellinger Carr lawyers are experienced and knowledgeable counselors, transaction specialists and business problem solvers, admitted to practice in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and New York.  For assistance in commercial real estate, corporate law and business development matters, call 919-785-9998 or email Susan Ellinger at, Steven Carr at, and Heather McDowell at

Need Help Negotiating Your Commercial Lease Terms?

Ellinger Carr lawyers presenting and speaking on Retail, Office and Restaurant Lease Negotiations and Legal Issues

istock_000002823776xsmall  Heather McDowell and Steven Carr will be featured speakers and presenters of a program focused on the key provisions and warranties of commercial lease agreements.  The program will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 9, 2014.  Commercial landlords and tenants will benefit from this focused course designed to address and help the leasing parties and their counsel to successfully negotiate and navigate the legal and business issues that arise most often in commercial lease transactions.

Heather and Steve will be leading presentations on letters of intent, due diligence, verification of tenant business legitimacy and good standing, review and negotiations of lease forms and “standard” provisions, lease term and renewal issues, and security deposit, default and remedies provisions often at issue in lease disputes and commercial lease litigation.  For more information about the program, visit or contact our office about how to register for the program.

Ellinger Carr is a business law and commercial real estate law firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.   Ellinger Carr lawyers are experienced and knowledgeable counselors, transaction specialists and business problem solvers, admitted to practice in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and New York.  For assistance in commercial real estate and corporate and business development matters, call 919-785-9998 or email Susan Ellinger at, Steven Carr at, and Heather McDowell at


Heather McDowell leads Wills for Heroes

Our colleague, Heather McDowell, leads and coordinates the bar association young lawyers division pro bono volunteer initiatives to provide wills and other essential legal documents to first responders (including law enforcement officers, firefighters and persons serving in the nation’s military.  Heather recently led a Wills for Heroes program in Wilmington, North Carolina, on Flag Day, June 14, 2014  serving more than 90 first responders and their spouses and significant others.

Wills for Heroes programs provide essential legal documents free of charge to our nation’s first responders, including wills, living wills, and powers of attorney. By helping first responders plan now, they ensure their families’ legal affairs are in order before a tragedy hits. The 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit Wills for Heroes Foundation supports these Wills programs, giving back to the community and “protecting those who protect us.”

Heather presently serves as vice-chair of the young lawyers division Wills for Heroes committee, and she has been volunteering her services for program offered all over the state for the past several years.  We are proud of her service to the legal profession and to so many heroes in our communities and their families.  She is our hero.